Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Dear Pumpkin Spice Latte,

I'm glad it's finally acceptable to be around you again. I know that technically you're always around if we really want, but me and most of the rest of the world really only like you at this time of year. It's nothing personal- well actually, it technically is, but that's not your fault. You just don't fit in with Spring, Summer, and Winter (they can be pretty clique-y). It's really unacceptable to be seen with you when I'm hanging out with S, S, & W.

But when Fall comes back from vacation, then it just feels right for us to be together again. When Fall comes traipsing back into my lives, he brings perfect weather, pretty colors, and good feelings. S, S, & W are just jealous, really, because they can never be as awesome as Fall. So by default, they don't like you either, which means I have to pretend not to as well. And honestly, at that point, you're a little too much for me to handle. You need some help letting go. It's inevitable, and there's really nothing you could do about it. It's just your nature, you can't fight who you are, insert another consoling cliche here.

But, PSL, when Fall comes, you're a star. You go so well together, and the two of you together go so well with me. You warm me up with that pumpkin taste and scent that brings me tingly fall feelings like no other flavor can. You make me want to carve a scary face into one of your relatives, ride on hay, and get the crap scared out of me (this is a good thing, I promise). You make me wish that Michael Buble songs would play up in the sky as I walk around outside. You make me wish that I could skip around and sing and hug people without looking super special or possibly being arrested. And the rest of your family are stars too- pumpkin bread, pumpkin pie, pumpkin cream cheese muffin. And you 3rd cousin twice removed, apple cider, although he usually shows up late. And part of what makes me love you so much is that it's really inappropriate to be seen with you when we're hanging out with S, S, & W; this makes me look forward with great anticipation to the day when we can be together again.

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you taking me back again every year, even though be both know that I'm just going to leave you again when Winter runs fall out of town and I can no longer be seen near you. I really appreciate our time together, especially when you allow me to have you with nonfat milk and an extra shot so I don't get fat but I stay energized and pumpkin-y. You really do know what I like, and you spoil me so. I hope you enjoy our seasonal affair as much as I do, and that it gives you everything you need as well.



  1. Aw! I just had a sample of the awesomeness known as Pumpkin Spice Latte from the Safeway Starbucks! We love you Pumpkin Spice Latte!

  2. Love your blog by the way, it cracks me up!

  3. LOVE IT! hahaha! So true!! -Suzi
